Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn this journal into a sales pitch but every now and again I would like to share something I think is pretty good value. Today it happens to be my own Black Friday deal.
In 2017 I ventured into the world of elearning, almost by accident. I had been teaching corporates (mostly sales teams) all about LinkedIn for the previous five years and someone suggested I put those learnings online. I created a course called “the comprehensive guide to Linkedin” which went live that year.
What happened then was incredible. Over the next few years, students piled in from all over the world. So far, 22,000 across 171 countries!
I’ve gone on to update that course each year with new videos showing new functionality on the platform and new strategies and tactics I’ve learnt. The course does really well and gets awesome reviews and feedback which I always take on board when I’m next thinking about updating it.
I soon followed that up with a course on Personal Branding. Taking everything I’d learnt in this space and literally downloading my brain into the course. I feel blessed to have reached a position where I don’t have to go out and get work, work finds me. This is largely down to the efforts I’ve put into my brand online. In that course I go through everything I’ve learnt from crafting and creating my story through to platform choice and network building.
I’ve been selling these courses for £95 each (an absolute snip when you consider the twenty years of learnings that have gone into them 😉).
For TODAY only, I'm giving these two online masterclasses away for the price of just one. Price will change back from tomorrow.
Here’s a bit more of the ‘detail’ in case you’re interested.
They are aimed at: Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Salespeople and Specialist Experts. Hell anyone who wants to develop their career to be honest.
Porter Gale once famously said, "Your network is your Net Worth". These two courses are absolutely packed with tips and advice on how to build yours.
Course 1: When it comes to personal branding, most people don't know where to start. They struggle with how to build a story, which platforms they should be on and how often and what type of content to post. The personal branding course teaches all this and much much more.
Course 2: LinkedIn is the most powerful corporate social network but again, is misunderstood. People don't know the best ways to setup their profiles for maximum exposure, they struggle working out what to share and how to share it. They don't know the little strategies and hacks to build their networks and engagement within them.
If you do purchase the courses, be sure to let me know.
Sales Pitch Over. Normal service will resume shortly, I promise :)